




  • One Dark Pro
    Atom‘s iconic One Dark theme for Visual Studio Code
  • vscode-icons
    Icons for Visual Studio Code


  • Auto Close Tag
    Automatically add HTML/XML close tag, same as Visual Studio IDE or Sublime Text does.

  • Auto Rename Tag
    Automatically rename paired HTML/XML tag, same as Visual Studio IDE does.

  • Code Runner
    Run code snippet or code file for multiple languages: C, C++, Java, JavaScript, PHP, Python, Perl, Perl 6, Ruby, Go, Lua, Groovy, PowerShell, BAT/CMD, BASH/SH, F# Script, F# (.NET Core), C# Script, C# (.NET Core), VBScript, TypeScript, CoffeeScript, Scala, Swift, Julia, Crystal, OCaml Script, R, AppleScript, Elixir, Visual Basic .NET, Clojure, Haxe, Objective-C, Rust, Racket, Scheme, AutoHotkey, AutoIt, Kotlin, Dart, Free Pascal, Haskell, Nim, D, Lisp, Kit, V, SCSS, Sass, CUDA, Less, Fortran, Ring, Standard ML, and custom command

  • Import Cost
    Display import/require package size in the editor

  • Live Server
    Launch a development local Server with live reload feature for static & dynamic pages

  • Code Translate
    A pure vscode translation plug-in; 一款纯粹的 vscode 滑词翻译插件

  • indent-rainbow
    Makes indentation easier to read

  • Project Manager
    It helps you to easily access your projects, no matter where they are located. Don’t miss those important projects anymore.

    @安知鱼 推荐

  • Remote - SSH
    The Remote - SSH extension lets you use any remote machine with a SSH server as your development environment.

    @安知鱼 推荐


  • open in browser(建议安装Live Server)
    This allows you to open the current file in your default browser or application.
  • Path Intellisense
    Visual Studio Code plugin that autocompletes filenames
  • Path Autocomplete
    Provides path completion for visual studio code and VS Code for Web.
  • Code Spell Checker
    Spelling checker for source code
  • Svg Preview
    Preview for Svg files